Eric Strandhagen
August 10, 1958 to March 31, 1976 

Class Year:

Cause of death:
Virus Infection




  In Memoriam 

Eric was my best friend in kindergarten way back in 1963. For a few years, we were very close, often playing in his backyard and cutting through a neighbor`s backyard to do it. Eric you were one of a select few that treated me like a real person. You sat behind me in civics class in our senior year in high school in 1976. Thank you Eric for making my first years of elementary school, Post, tolerable.

Douglas Phillips
Think of you often and share memories with your brothers Glenn and Bryon recently here in Hawaii. Love and miss you.

Aunt Helen
I actually stumbled across this page by googling my mother's maiden name. I saw the names Eric and Glen I knew it was about my uncles. When I clicked the page and saw the picture it immediately brought tears to my eyes. I never met Eric, since he passed away 10 years before I was born, but I grew up with his pictures on the shelf, his drawing on the wall and the memories my mom shared with me. I thank everyone for keeping his memory alive. God bless...

Michele Carroll
It was a sad day in the family when you passed. Still in our thoughts.

I remember thinking that life was so unfair when you died. I keep you in my prayers and your family as well.

Cindy (Beerer) Mansolino
I don't remember how we became friends, only that we did. I remember Eric's quick wit, bright eyes, ready smile. Some days, at the morning break we'd see the flag hanging on limp on the pole, no wind. We'd know the waves were perfect and Eric would get his brother Glen to drive us down to the beach in his old grey truck. Since we were skipping out of school we had to lay down in back and keep out of sight. We thought we were pretty cool, romantic criminals. We'd be in the back in a pile of boards and wetsuits, watching the phone lines and street signs going by in the sky and talking of girls we liked and the girls who would like us when we became rock stars. I still miss you.

Helen Rowe thanks

Ed Strandhagen

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