Tom Wall
August 15, 1954 to October 5, 1998 

Class Year:

Cause of death:
Heart Failure


Tom died of heart failure while fighting a fire. He was a fire marshall in Tustin.


  In Memoriam 

Just came across a movie about Tom on tubi, Brave are the fallen. I too went into the fire service although I did not know Tom well. God bless Bill Wilson 75

Bill wilson
Dear Friends of Tom Wall, Although I remember your face at school, we didn't really now each other. But, I see that you shared the same Profession as I- We both became firefighters than proceeded to become fire marshals! As a Fire Chaplain, I see that a love for you is evident by the note of your friends. Sounds like you were fulfilling a scripture found in Jude 1:23 á to snatch them from the fireá, a reference we at Fire Fighters for Christ share and is meant to rescue souls from the eternal fire of separation from Christ. God Bless your family. David Jones, Class of 72 Fire Marshal Pebble Beach, CA.

David Michael Jones
I knew Tom. He was a quiet intropective gentle human being. He had a easy country boy demeaner. Having a number of classes with him I heard him say litte, but when he did it was very astute and funny. His sense of humor was his own style and even if you sought to pry it out of him you couldn't. When he was ready to share it them you got a treat. I saw him a few years after school and he'd just bought a house off Mc Fadden near Harbor. We visited in his front yard as I lived nearby. Tom was more mature than me for our age and I really had to defer to him in that sense. I knew he was decent and good hearted man. Some people are hard to peg when it comes to issues of human saftey. With Tom you knew that you were okay, He was a safe place. So it goes that he would give of his own life to aid in the efforts others. I'm just glad I got to see him that one time and am happy I took the time to do so. I know little of Toms family, be sure it was a great loss to them and I'm sorry for them and

Jeffrey Kopf 1972
I grew up with Tom, from babys till adults. Our familys were very close. Tom was one of the finest people you could ever meet. Husband, Father and Friend. He will be forever missed.

Roger Harper

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