Merle Long
October 5, 1958 to April 4, 1987 

Class Year:


ASB Cabinet/CSF/Drama Club 



  In Memoriam 

Merle's death was the most heartbreakingingly profound time of my life. In what was the most ill-fated coincidence of my life, I had flown in from Boston to see him on my annual vacation back in Orange County, but was met at the airport by his dad, who told me the horrible news of Merle's illness, and who then took me to the hospital. That night, we stood around his hospital bed, as we watched him die. That week, I helped carry his casket, and for years after that have carried the intense, helpless pain of having lost someone so warm, so loving, so full of life, and so well loved by so many people. He made his way into my heart and into the hearts of so many other people. His star will always burn bright.

Carlos Metcalf
I think about Merle now and again. How much fun we had in drama. He was a wonderful actor, a natural comedian and a good friend. Neither one of us had a date for the coed so we decided to go together and as Rene said, we double dated. He was also a good dancer! I miss Merle's sense of humor.

Mary Cook
I met Merle at McGarvin Jr. High where we starred in Chekhov's áMarriage Proposalá when we were 13. He was a natural; I was less so, but it was still fun. We followed each other as friends to La Quinta and also belonged to the same parish, St. Barbara's. Merle just radiated light and goodness, and he is part of my dearest memories of my teenage years.

Christina Gray
Merle was a wonderful friend. We, sadly lost touch after I graduated, but I have great memories of him. David Spafford and I double dated with him and Mary Cook(75) at the 1975 Co-Ed. I too was surprised to hear of his passing but, I am sure he's in heaven now, praying for us left behind.

Rene'e Ramos-Preston
Merle was a wonderful person and friend! I will never forget his beautiful smile! I know he is missed by family and friends.

Betsy (Hood) Payne
I have often wondered what became of Merle and kept expecting to see his name in lights as an actor.

Joy Allen - Heidebrecht

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